Winter Waipara Mission

Winter Waipara Mission

A wintery mission indeed! 

We met at 9am at Waipara, where 24 Jimny's showed up for an adventure.  We soon set off, and almost immediately lost most of the group. Classic adventuring! Once we all got back together, we headed off. 

The weather was wintery, patchy rain, sometimes hard, but mostly just a light drizzle or no rain at all. It was perfect.

We had a mix of drivers on this trip, lots of people new to 4 wheel driving, and many old hands, too. The Waipara River is perfect for those new to offroad driving, as the shingle is fairly well compacted and the tracks are well marked.

The river was perfect, there was a bit of water at the crossings, but not enough to get wet feet.

The best part of the day though, was seeing those that haven't had their Jimny's very long, or were new to 4WDing. They pushed themselves, crossing through water and climbing banks that they would never do on their own. Seeing the smiles and celebrations that followed was awesome.

To everyone that came along, thanks for coming! Looking forward to the next adventure!

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